Administrative procedures can be a real obstacle course, especially when you are in a foreign country.
In this article, we will describe the steps and documents required to obtain your residence permit, which you will need to work, study, or open a bank account and not be chased out of the country after the 3 months allowed for the tourist visa.
List of documents to provide for a residence permit.
Please note that the list below is almost the same whether it is a first application for a residence permit or a renewal.
- Passport
- Photocopy of the first page with photo
- Photocopy of the page of the passport with the customs stamp of the last entry into the territory
- Photocopy of visa (if applicable, depending on nationality)
- Extract from the criminal record
- If it is a first application, the criminal record extract must be obtained in your country of origin.
- If it is a renewal, you will have to provide a Moroccan criminal record extract to be requested on:
- You can check the progress of your application with your file number (usually available after 48 hours). Once available, the extract can be collected from the Casablanca Criminal Court of First Instance located in Ain Sebaa, with your file number and 20 dirhams.
- Medical certificate
- To be issued by a Moroccan doctor made in Morocco and dated.
- 200 dirhams per consultation with a doctor (cheaper if done in public hospital)
- Proof of residence
- Photocopy of the lease contract + Lydec invoice (to be collected from a Lydec agency)
- Photocopy of the property title + Lydec invoice
- Housing certificate issued by the employer + photocopy of the lease contract
- 8 passport photos
- Grey background
- 3,5 x 4,5 cm
- For workers
- Work certificate issued by the employer
- Photocopy of the Foreign Employment Contract
- For students
- Certificate of enrolment and/or schooling from the educational establishment
- Proof of means of subsistence:
- Certificate of scholarship; OR
- Proof of support from your home country’s embassy; OR
- 3 last bank statements
Please note that all the documents AND document’s copies requested must be less than one month old and be “certified true” at the moqatar (municipality) near your place of residence or work. Bring the original document and its copy so that an agent of the commune can stamp the copy as “conforming to the original”. Each copy costs 2 dirhams.
The steps to be taken for the residence permit.
You should submit your application at the Police Headquarters of Greater Casablanca, located at the corner of Boulevard Zerktouni and Boulevard Brahim Roudani.
If you have a car, you will have to park in the vicinity as there is no public parking nearby.
When you arrive in front of the building, you will probably find a long queue for the residence permit service (many people arrive as early as 7am to make sure they get through). After a short wait, you will be taken through the usual security checks and asked to leave your phone at the reception desk and sign the register. When you enter the room you will be asked to take a ticket with your passage number. If there are no more tickets available, you will have to register for the next day and come back the next day. Another option to make sure you get through is to come the day before around 12-1pm when it is quieter and ask to register for the next day.
Note that in August 2022, the administration has blocked the number of files processed per day to 15 people (against 30 to 40 before that). I don’t know if they will go back to 30 or stay at 15.
The wait can sometimes be very long: allow 3-4 hours to submit your application so be patient!
After paying the application fee (100dh/per year requested), you will receive a receipt of payment. Please note that this document does not allow you to leave and return to the country.

You will have to return 4 weeks later to collect the “récépissé” which will allow you to travel while waiting to receive your residence permit. Residence permit that you will be able to pickup 3-4 weeks after getting your “récépissé”.

As a general rule, your residence permit will be valid for one year for your first application. When renewing your application, you can request (but are not sure to receive) a residence permit valid for 3 or 10 years.
Please note that all the information shared below was valid in september 2022 and is subject to change according to the modifications of procedures implemented by the administration.
If you have any update let us know!
Thu 8 Dec at 20:24I am French, do you know where I can ask for my criminal record? Do I need the original?
Tue 13 Dec at 07:49Hello Mae,
You can ask for you criminal record in France on this website. And you just need to print it, no original needed.
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